Apache > ZooKeeper




ZooKeeper 服务器的操作命令。

Usage: ./zkServer.sh {start|start-foreground|stop|version|restart|status|upgrade|print-cmd}
# start the server
./zkServer.sh start

# start the server in the foreground for debugging
./zkServer.sh start-foreground

# stop the server
./zkServer.sh stop

# restart the server
./zkServer.sh restart

# show the status,mode,role of the server
./zkServer.sh status
JMX enabled by default
Using config: /data/software/zookeeper/conf/zoo.cfg
Mode: standalone

# Deprecated
./zkServer.sh upgrade

# print the parameters of the start-up
./zkServer.sh print-cmd

# show the version of the ZooKeeper server
./zkServer.sh version
Apache ZooKeeper, version 3.6.0-SNAPSHOT 06/11/2019 05:39 GMT

status命令建立与服务器的客户端连接以执行诊断命令。当 ZooKeeper 集群以仅客户端 SSL 模式启动时(通过从 zoo.cfg 中省略 clientPort),则必须在使用该./zkServer.sh status命令之前提供额外的 SSL 相关配置来确定 ZooKeeper 服务器是否正在运行。一个例子:

CLIENT_JVMFLAGS="-Dzookeeper.clientCnxnSocket=org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxnSocketNetty -Dzookeeper.ssl.trustStore.location=/tmp/clienttrust.jks -Dzookeeper.ssl.trustStore.password=password -Dzookeeper.ssl.keyStore.location=/tmp/client.jks -Dzookeeper.ssl.keyStore.password=password -Dzookeeper.client.secure=true" ./zkServer.sh status




ZooKeeper 服务器的环境设置

# the setting of log property
ZOO_LOG_DIR: the directory to store the logs



     * args dataLogDir [snapDir] -n count
     * dataLogDir -- path to the txn log directory
     * snapDir -- path to the snapshot directory
     * count -- the number of old snaps/logs you want to keep, value should be greater than or equal to 3
# Keep the latest 5 logs and snapshots
./zkCleanup.sh -n 5


TxnLogToolkit 是 ZooKeeper 附带的命令行工具,它能够恢复 CRC 损坏的事务日志条目。


$ bin/zkTxnLogToolkit.sh
usage: TxnLogToolkit [-dhrv] txn_log_file_name
-d,--dump      Dump mode. Dump all entries of the log file. (this is the default)
-h,--help      Print help message
-r,--recover   Recovery mode. Re-calculate CRC for broken entries.
-v,--verbose   Be verbose in recovery mode: print all entries, not just fixed ones.
-y,--yes       Non-interactive mode: repair all CRC errors without asking

默认行为是安全的:它将给定事务日志文件的条目转储到屏幕:(与 using-d,--dump参数相同)

$ bin/zkTxnLogToolkit.sh log.100000001
ZooKeeper Transactional Log File with dbid 0 txnlog format version 2
4/5/18 2:15:58 PM CEST session 0x16295bafcc40000 cxid 0x0 zxid 0x100000001 createSession 30000
CRC ERROR - 4/5/18 2:16:05 PM CEST session 0x16295bafcc40000 cxid 0x1 zxid 0x100000002 closeSession null
4/5/18 2:16:05 PM CEST session 0x16295bafcc40000 cxid 0x1 zxid 0x100000002 closeSession null
4/5/18 2:16:12 PM CEST session 0x26295bafcc90000 cxid 0x0 zxid 0x100000003 createSession 30000
4/5/18 2:17:34 PM CEST session 0x26295bafcc90000 cxid 0x0 zxid 0x200000001 closeSession null
4/5/18 2:17:34 PM CEST session 0x16295bd23720000 cxid 0x0 zxid 0x200000002 createSession 30000
4/5/18 2:18:02 PM CEST session 0x16295bd23720000 cxid 0x2 zxid 0x200000003 create '/andor,#626262,v{s{31,s{'world,'anyone}}},F,1
EOF reached after 6 txns.

上述事务日志文件的第二个条目中存在 CRC 错误。在转储模式下,工具包仅将此信息打印到屏幕上,而不接触原始文件。在恢复模式(-r,--recover标志)下,原始文件仍然保持不变,所有事务都将被复制到带有“.fixed”后缀的新 txn 日志文件中。如果它与原始 txn 条目不匹配,它会重新计算 CRC 值并复制计算值。默认情况下,该工具以交互方式工作:每当遇到 CRC 错误时,它都会要求确认。

$ bin/zkTxnLogToolkit.sh -r log.100000001
ZooKeeper Transactional Log File with dbid 0 txnlog format version 2
CRC ERROR - 4/5/18 2:16:05 PM CEST session 0x16295bafcc40000 cxid 0x1 zxid 0x100000002 closeSession null
Would you like to fix it (Yes/No/Abort) ?

回答Yes表示新计算的 CRC 值将输出到新文件中。表示将复制原始 CRC 值。Abort将中止整个操作并退出。(在这种情况下,“.fixed”不会被删除并处于半完成状态:仅包含已处理的条目,或者如果操作在第一个条目中止,则仅包含标题。)

$ bin/zkTxnLogToolkit.sh -r log.100000001
ZooKeeper Transactional Log File with dbid 0 txnlog format version 2
CRC ERROR - 4/5/18 2:16:05 PM CEST session 0x16295bafcc40000 cxid 0x1 zxid 0x100000002 closeSession null
Would you like to fix it (Yes/No/Abort) ? y
EOF reached after 6 txns.
Recovery file log.100000001.fixed has been written with 1 fixed CRC error(s)

恢复的默认行为是无声的:只有带有 CRC 错误的条目才会打印到屏幕上。可以使用参数打开详细模式-v,--verbose以查看所有记录。可以使用参数关闭交互模式-y,--yes。在这种情况下,所有 CRC 错误都将在新的事务文件中得到修复。


将快照文件转储到标准输出,显示每个 zk 节点的详细信息。

# help
USAGE: SnapshotFormatter [-d|-json] snapshot_file
       -d dump the data for each znode
       -json dump znode info in json format

# show the each zk-node info without data content
./zkSnapShotToolkit.sh /data/zkdata/version-2/snapshot.fa01000186d
  cZxid = 0x00000f0003110b
  ctime = Wed Sep 19 21:58:22 CST 2018
  mZxid = 0x00000f0003110b
  mtime = Wed Sep 19 21:58:22 CST 2018
  pZxid = 0x00000f0003110b
  cversion = 0
  dataVersion = 0
  aclVersion = 0
  ephemeralOwner = 0x00000000000000
  dataLength = 100

# [-d] show the each zk-node info with data content
./zkSnapShotToolkit.sh -d /data/zkdata/version-2/snapshot.fa01000186d
  cZxid = 0x00000900007ba0
  ctime = Wed Aug 15 20:13:52 CST 2018
  mZxid = 0x00000900007ba0
  mtime = Wed Aug 15 20:13:52 CST 2018
  pZxid = 0x00000900007ba0
  cversion = 0
  dataVersion = 0
  aclVersion = 0
  ephemeralOwner = 0x00000000000000
  data = eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eA==

# [-json] show the each zk-node info with json format
./zkSnapShotToolkit.sh -json /data/zkdata/version-2/snapshot.fa01000186d


SnapshotComparer 是一个工具,它可以加载和比较两个具有可配置阈值和各种过滤器的快照,并输出有关 delta 的信息。

增量包括将一个快照与另一个快照进行比较时添加、更新、删除的特定 znode 路径。

它在涉及快照分析的用例中很有用,例如离线数据一致性检查和数据趋势分析(例如,什么时候在哪个 zNode 路径下增长了什么)。


它提供了两个调整参数来帮助滤除噪声: 1.--nodes添加/删除子节点的阈值数量;2.--bytes添加/删除的阈值字节数。


快照可以在设置 Zookeeper 服务器时在conf/zoo.cfg中配置的Zookeeper 数据目录中找到。


此工具支持未压缩的快照格式和压缩的快照文件格式:snappygz. 无需解压,直接使用该工具即可对比不同格式的快照。



usage: java -cp <classPath> org.apache.zookeeper.server.SnapshotComparer
 -b,--bytes <BYTETHRESHOLD>   (Required) The node data delta size threshold, in bytes, for printing the node.
 -d,--debug                   Use debug output.
 -i,--interactive             Enter interactive mode.
 -l,--left <LEFT>             (Required) The left snapshot file.
 -n,--nodes <NODETHRESHOLD>   (Required) The descendant node delta size threshold, in nodes, for printing the node.
 -r,--right <RIGHT>           (Required) The right snapshot file.


./bin/zkSnapshotComparer.sh -l /zookeeper-data/backup/snapshot.d.snappy -r /zookeeper-data/backup/snapshot.44 -b 2 -n 1


Deserialized snapshot in snapshot.44 in 0.002741 seconds
Processed data tree in 0.000361 seconds
Node count: 10
Total size: 0
Max depth: 4
Count of nodes at depth 0: 1
Count of nodes at depth 1: 2
Count of nodes at depth 2: 4
Count of nodes at depth 3: 3

Node count: 22
Total size: 2903
Max depth: 5
Count of nodes at depth 0: 1
Count of nodes at depth 1: 2
Count of nodes at depth 2: 4
Count of nodes at depth 3: 7
Count of nodes at depth 4: 8

Printing analysis for nodes difference larger than 2 bytes or node count difference larger than 1.
Analysis for depth 0
Node  found in both trees. Delta: 2903 bytes, 12 descendants
Analysis for depth 1
Node /zk_test found in both trees. Delta: 2903 bytes, 12 descendants
Analysis for depth 2
Node /zk_test/gz found in both trees. Delta: 730 bytes, 3 descendants
Node /zk_test/snappy found in both trees. Delta: 2173 bytes, 9 descendants
Analysis for depth 3
Node /zk_test/gz/12345 found in both trees. Delta: 9 bytes, 1 descendants
Node /zk_test/gz/a found only in right tree. Descendant size: 721. Descendant count: 0
Node /zk_test/snappy/anotherTest found in both trees. Delta: 1738 bytes, 2 descendants
Node /zk_test/snappy/test_1 found only in right tree. Descendant size: 344. Descendant count: 3
Node /zk_test/snappy/test_2 found only in right tree. Descendant size: 91. Descendant count: 2
Analysis for depth 4
Node /zk_test/gz/12345/abcdef found only in right tree. Descendant size: 9. Descendant count: 0
Node /zk_test/snappy/anotherTest/abc found only in right tree. Descendant size: 1738. Descendant count: 0
Node /zk_test/snappy/test_1/a found only in right tree. Descendant size: 93. Descendant count: 0
Node /zk_test/snappy/test_1/b found only in right tree. Descendant size: 251. Descendant count: 0
Node /zk_test/snappy/test_2/xyz found only in right tree. Descendant size: 33. Descendant count: 0
Node /zk_test/snappy/test_2/y found only in right tree. Descendant size: 58. Descendant count: 0
All layers compared.



./bin/zkSnapshotComparer.sh -l /zookeeper-data/backup/snapshot.d.snappy -r /zookeeper-data/backup/snapshot.44 -b 2 -n 1 -i


- Press enter to move to print current depth layer;
- Type a number to jump to and print all nodes at a given depth;
- Enter an ABSOLUTE path to print the immediate subtree of a node. Path must start with '/'.



Current depth is 0
Press enter to move to print current depth layer;
Printing analysis for nodes difference larger than 2 bytes or node count difference larger than 1.
Analysis for depth 0
Node  found in both trees. Delta: 2903 bytes, 12 descendants



Current depth is 1
Type a number to jump to and print all nodes at a given depth;
Printing analysis for nodes difference larger than 2 bytes or node count difference larger than 1.
Analysis for depth 3
Node /zk_test/gz/12345 found in both trees. Delta: 9 bytes, 1 descendants
Node /zk_test/gz/a found only in right tree. Descendant size: 721. Descendant count: 0
Filtered node /zk_test/gz/anotherOne of left size 0, right size 0
Filtered right node /zk_test/gz/b of size 0
Node /zk_test/snappy/anotherTest found in both trees. Delta: 1738 bytes, 2 descendants
Node /zk_test/snappy/test_1 found only in right tree. Descendant size: 344. Descendant count: 3
Node /zk_test/snappy/test_2 found only in right tree. Descendant size: 91. Descendant count: 2


Current depth is 3
Type a number to jump to and print all nodes at a given depth;
Printing analysis for nodes difference larger than 2 bytes or node count difference larger than 1.
Analysis for depth 0
Node  found in both trees. Delta: 2903 bytes, 12 descendants


Current depth is 1
Type a number to jump to and print all nodes at a given depth;
Printing analysis for nodes difference larger than 2 bytes or node count difference larger than 1.
Depth must be in range [0, 4]

输入 ABSOLUTE 路径以打印节点的直接子树:

Current depth is 3
Enter an ABSOLUTE path to print the immediate subtree of a node.
Printing analysis for nodes difference larger than 2 bytes or node count difference larger than 1.
Analysis for node /zk_test
Node /zk_test/gz found in both trees. Delta: 730 bytes, 3 descendants
Node /zk_test/snappy found in both trees. Delta: 2173 bytes, 9 descendants


Current depth is 3
Enter an ABSOLUTE path to print the immediate subtree of a node.
Printing analysis for nodes difference larger than 2 bytes or node count difference larger than 1.
Analysis for node /non-exist-path
Path /non-exist-path is neither found in left tree nor right tree.


Current depth is 1
- Press enter to move to print current depth layer;
- Type a number to jump to and print all nodes at a given depth;
- Enter an ABSOLUTE path to print the immediate subtree of a node. Path must start with '/'.
Printing analysis for nodes difference larger than 2 bytes or node count difference larger than 1.
Input 12223999999999999999999999999999999999999 is not valid. Depth must be in range [0, 4]. Path must be an absolute path which starts with '/'.


Printing analysis for nodes difference larger than 2 bytes or node count difference larger than 1.
Analysis for depth 4
Node /zk_test/gz/12345/abcdef found only in right tree. Descendant size: 9. Descendant count: 0
Node /zk_test/snappy/anotherTest/abc found only in right tree. Descendant size: 1738. Descendant count: 0
Filtered right node /zk_test/snappy/anotherTest/abcd of size 0
Node /zk_test/snappy/test_1/a found only in right tree. Descendant size: 93. Descendant count: 0
Node /zk_test/snappy/test_1/b found only in right tree. Descendant size: 251. Descendant count: 0
Filtered right node /zk_test/snappy/test_1/c of size 0
Node /zk_test/snappy/test_2/xyz found only in right tree. Descendant size: 33. Descendant count: 0
Node /zk_test/snappy/test_2/y found only in right tree. Descendant size: 58. Descendant count: 0
All layers compared.





本节介绍如何在 ZooKeeper 上运行 YCSB。

1. 启动 ZooKeeper 服务器




git clone http://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB.git
# more details in the landing page for instructions on downloading YCSB(https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB#getting-started).
mvn -pl site.ycsb:zookeeper-binding -am clean package -DskipTests


在您计划运行的工作负载中设置 connectString、sessionTimeout、watchFlag。

或者,您可以使用 shell 命令 EG 设置配置:

# create a /benchmark namespace for sake of cleaning up the workspace after test.
# e.g the CLI:create /benchmark
./bin/ycsb run zookeeper -s -P workloads/workloadb -p zookeeper.connectString= -p zookeeper.sessionTimeout=30000



# -p recordcount,the count of records/paths you want to insert
./bin/ycsb load zookeeper -s -P workloads/workloadb -p zookeeper.connectString= -p recordcount=10000 > outputLoad.txt


# YCSB workloadb is the most suitable workload for read-heavy workload for the ZooKeeper in the real world.

# -p fieldlength, test the length of value/data-content took effect on performance
./bin/ycsb run zookeeper -s -P workloads/workloadb -p zookeeper.connectString= -p fieldlength=1000

# -p fieldcount
./bin/ycsb run zookeeper -s -P workloads/workloadb -p zookeeper.connectString= -p fieldcount=20

# -p hdrhistogram.percentiles,show the hdrhistogram benchmark result
./bin/ycsb run zookeeper -threads 1 -P workloads/workloadb -p zookeeper.connectString= -p hdrhistogram.percentiles=10,25,50,75,90,95,99,99.9 -p histogram.buckets=500

# -threads: multi-clients test, increase the **maxClientCnxns** in the zoo.cfg to handle more connections.
./bin/ycsb run zookeeper -threads 10 -P workloads/workloadb -p zookeeper.connectString=

# show the timeseries benchmark result
./bin/ycsb run zookeeper -threads 1 -P workloads/workloadb -p zookeeper.connectString= -p measurementtype=timeseries -p timeseries.granularity=50

# cluster test
./bin/ycsb run zookeeper -P workloads/workloadb -p zookeeper.connectString=,,

# test leader's read/write performance by setting zookeeper.connectString to leader's(
./bin/ycsb run zookeeper -P workloads/workloadb -p zookeeper.connectString=

# test for large znode(by default: jute.maxbuffer is 1048575 bytes/1 MB ). Notice:jute.maxbuffer should also be set the same value in all the zk servers.
./bin/ycsb run zookeeper -jvm-args="-Djute.maxbuffer=4194304" -s -P workloads/workloadc -p zookeeper.connectString=

# Cleaning up the workspace after finishing the benchmark.
# e.g the CLI:deleteall /benchmark


zk-smoketest为 ZooKeeper 集成提供了一个简单的烟雾测试客户端。用于验证新的、更新的、现有的安装。更多细节在这里




查看以下示例以自定义您的 byteman 故障注入脚本


cat zk_leader_zxid_roll_over.btm

RULE trace zk_leader_zxid_roll_over
CLASS org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.Leader
METHOD propose
IF true
  traceln("*** Leader zxid has rolled over, forcing re-election ***");
  $1.zxid = 4294967295L

示例 2:此脚本使领导者将 ping 数据包丢弃到特定的跟随者。领导者将关闭与该追随者的LearnerHandler,追随者将进入状态:LOOKING,然后重新进入状态为:FOLLOWING的quorum

cat zk_leader_drop_ping_packet.btm

RULE trace zk_leader_drop_ping_packet
CLASS org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.LearnerHandler
IF $0.sid == 2
  traceln("*** Leader drops ping packet to sid: 2 ***");


cat zk_leader_drop_ping_packet.btm

RULE trace zk.follower_drop_ack_packet
CLASS org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.SendAckRequestProcessor
METHOD processRequest
IF true
  traceln("*** Follower drops ACK packet ***");


用于分布式系统验证的框架,具有故障注入功能。Jepsen 已被用于验证从最终一致的可交换数据库到线性化协调系统再到分布式任务调度程序的所有内容。更多细节可以在jepsen-io中找到

运行Dockerized Jepsen是使用 Jepsen 的最简单方法。


git clone git@github.com:jepsen-io/jepsen.git
cd docker
# maybe a long time for the first init.
# docker ps to check one control node and five db nodes are up
docker ps
     CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                 CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                     NAMES
     8265f1d3f89c        docker_control      "/bin/sh -c /init.sh"   9 hours ago         Up 4 hours>8080/tcp   jepsen-control
     8a646102da44        docker_n5           "/run.sh"               9 hours ago         Up 3 hours          22/tcp                    jepsen-n5
     385454d7e520        docker_n1           "/run.sh"               9 hours ago         Up 9 hours          22/tcp                    jepsen-n1
     a62d6a9d5f8e        docker_n2           "/run.sh"               9 hours ago         Up 9 hours          22/tcp                    jepsen-n2
     1485e89d0d9a        docker_n3           "/run.sh"               9 hours ago         Up 9 hours          22/tcp                    jepsen-n3
     27ae01e1a0c5        docker_node         "/run.sh"               9 hours ago         Up 9 hours          22/tcp                    jepsen-node
     53c444b00ebd        docker_n4           "/run.sh"               9 hours ago         Up 9 hours          22/tcp                    jepsen-n4


# Enter into the container:jepsen-control
docker exec -it jepsen-control bash
# Test
cd zookeeper && lein run test --concurrency 10
# See something like the following to assert that ZooKeeper has passed the Jepsen test
INFO [2019-04-01 11:25:23,719] jepsen worker 8 - jepsen.util 8	:ok	:read	2
INFO [2019-04-01 11:25:23,722] jepsen worker 3 - jepsen.util 3	:invoke	:cas	[0 4]
INFO [2019-04-01 11:25:23,760] jepsen worker 3 - jepsen.util 3	:fail	:cas	[0 4]
INFO [2019-04-01 11:25:23,791] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 1	:invoke	:read	nil
INFO [2019-04-01 11:25:23,794] jepsen worker 1 - jepsen.util 1	:ok	:read	2
INFO [2019-04-01 11:25:24,038] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0	:invoke	:write	4
INFO [2019-04-01 11:25:24,073] jepsen worker 0 - jepsen.util 0	:ok	:write	4
Everything looks good! ヽ(‘ー`)ノ

参考:阅读此博客以了解有关 Zookeeper 的 Jepsen 测试的更多信息。